Plan S impact Review Report

The supplier carrying out the independant study will provide a full report addressing the question described in the work plan: The review will address the following issues: Assess the impact Plan S has had on the scholarly communication ecosystem and facilitating research to be published Open Access. Provide an analysis of the likely progress towards full and immediate open access had Plan S (and cOAlition S) not existed and estimate what contribution Plan S (and cOAlition S) has made to the changing scholarly communication ecosystem, using appropriate techniques, such as counterfactual impact evaluation contribution analysis, or similar. Review the effect of transformative arrangements (read and publish deals, transformative journals), as well as the option of providing immediate Open Access to subscription content via open repositories, on achieving a transition to full and immediate Open Access. Identify those areas where cOAlition S has been effective and ineffective in meeting its objectives, based on published literature, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and other approaches as deemed appropriate, and provide a reasoned analysis of these findings.