Preclinical assessment of an antibiotic-free cationic surfactant-based cellulose hydrogel for sexually and perinatally transmitted infections


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Authors: Rita D.A. Calado, Bárbara B. Mendes, João Conniot, João M.J.M. Ravasco, Daniel Sobral, Carolina Ferreira, Rita Ferreira, João Carlos Rodrigues, Daniela Santos, Sílvia Duarte, Luís Vieira, Ângela S. Inácio, Henrique Carrêlo, Winchil L.C. Vaz, João Paulo Gomes, Alexandra Nunes, João Conde, Otilia V. Vieira

Journal title: Matter

Journal number: 7

Journal publisher: Cell Press

Published year: 2024

Published pages: 2205-2235

DOI identifier: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.04.002

ISSN: 2590-2385