5G Mobile Core Network

T4.1 Mobile Core Network (M1 – M12) Task Leader: EXP Participants: EXP, NOK, O2M This task shall identify the limitations of the current LTE Broadcast technology (e.g. session management) that need to be addressed in the design of 5G mobile broadcast core network. The existing LTE Broadcast entities and building blocks (e.g. AL-FEC, reception report) shall be carefully analysed to identify which modules should be kept and enhanced for 5G mobile network, which entities should be redesigned to meet the needs of 5G and which modules should be dropped to allow a clean approach to 5G broadcast. AL-FEC building block shall be revisited to address the challenge on low latency. This task shall also address a new functionality which provides a seamless and autonomous transition between unicast and broadcast which is the current limitation in LTE-B. In addition, this task shall define network functionality which allows broadcast content pushing without end user initiative as per PWS requirements. New promising technologies such as NFV/SDN and MEC will be taken into account to define and design the 5G mobile broadcast core network. Multicast/broadcast components could be moved to the network edge thanks to NFV/SDN and MEC technologies to reduce latency. Furthermore, only required multicast/broadcast components shall be activated on-demand and located in the right place within 5G mobile broadcast core network, thanks to virtualisation technology allowing flexible broadcast deployment and network performance optimization. The design of 5G mobile broadcast core network shall be from the perspective of a full converged fixed, mobile and broadcast network developed in T4.2. This work shall closely coordinate with the work on resource and session management developed during T4.3. This task shall also leverage and incorporate the RAN architecture and air interface related enhancements developed in WP3 tasks T3.2-T3.4, and the key technology components identified in WP5 (e.g. transport protocols, media formats, etc.) into the overall 5G mobile core network.