Dissemination Report

Task 7.1: Dissemination (M1 – M24) Leader: EBU Participants: ALL This task ensures that the work within 5G-Xcast will be publicized to the interested parties by: - Establishing and maintaining a communication link with different parties using the public website where the consortium will be presented, project objectives explained and public deliverables made accessible. Other means of promoting the project include the use of social media. The communication activity and social media activity are coordinated by the task leader but the content is produced by all partners. - Maximizing the scientific visibility by publishing papers in major IEEE conferences and high impact journals. Visibility will be guaranteed also by providing open access to the submitted versions of the paper on the project dissemination webpage in compliance with the EC open policy. - Organising workshops in parallel with IEEE conferences as well as trainings and summer schools. - Publishing white papers to describe the project as a whole and to highlights the final results. A list of targeted conferences and other events is given in Section 2.2. All partners will participate in these events whenever they have significant results to be disseminated.