Converged Core Network and Architecture

T4.2 Converged Core Network (M4 – M15) Task Leader: BT Participants: BBC, BLB, BPK, BT, EXP, LU, NOK, O2M This task first analyses the continued work on 5G network architecture to ascertain whether the requirements for future M&E services will be addressed and the overall impact for M&E services. Consequently, from this initial activity, specific proposals for the fixed/mobile/broadcast networks will be addressed in this task. In particular: - Mobile network: to validate the integration of multicast and broadcast components from user equipment, access and core network perspectives. The outcome of task T4.1 shall be integrated into this task. In addition, the work on APIs shall be addressed in order to connect the 5G Converged Core Network to the content provider system. The user equipment side will also be designed on how applications would interact with the 5G converged core network. - Fixed network: to validate the claims of ‘convergence and commonality’ across all of the 5G-Xcast how unicast and multicast traffic is normally delivered over fixed networks and explain how the key 5G-Xcast concepts, in particular autonomous unicast and multicast/broadcast switching could be mapped onto a fixed architecture, whilst preserving our goal of keeping an extremely simple Content Service Provider API. This task will further describe the details of how caching could be integrated in the way that will be consistent with the framework set out in WP6. - Broadcast network: DTT networks will be addressed to determine how the concepts of broadcast within 5G-Xcast can be applied across this architecture. Current state-of-the-art systems such as ATSC 3.0, which is based on an IP stack, and DVB-T2 will be investigated to determine the best way to deploy within the 5G-Xcast converged core network in cooperation with these existing technologies and enable transition scenarios. There are three possibilities envisaged as follows: ‐ Existing core plus new radio: the new 5G-Xcast RAN layer could be deployed on a DTT network but be used to carry existing upper layers such as DVB Transport Stream. This would ensure compatibility with existing upper layer implementations within in TVs and set-top boxes. This approach is akin to the one currently being studied in 3GPP SA4 for EnTV. ‐ Existing broadcast radio plus new core - the existing physical layer (e.g. DVB-T2) would be used to carry the new Transport and Application layers developed within 5G-Xcast. ‐ New broadcast radio plus new core: the complete 5G-Xcast stack could be deployed on a DTT network to enable a complete 5G broadcast solution with all the benefits of convergence. After identifying and analysing the specific functionalities and requirements of each network, a full converged core network proposal will be defined (including mobile, fixed and broadcast capabilities) focussing on the impact for M&E services. Network slicing, multiple RATs, virtualization and caching technologies shall be envisaged to meet the 5G converged core architectural requirements. In particular, this task shall focus on seamless content delivery, hybrid access with increased bandwidth for M&E service consumption and providing access to localized content servers to satisfy delay constraints.