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Authors: Agapi Mesodiakaki, Pavlos Maniotis, Georgios Kalfas, Christos Vagionas, John Vardakas, Elli Kartsakli, Angelos Antonopoulos, Eftychia Datsika, Christos Verikoukis, Nikos Pleros
Journal title: Optical Network Design and Modeling - 23rd IFIP WG 6.10 International Conference, ONDM 2019, Athens, Greece, May 13–16, 2019, Proceedings
Journal number: 11616
Journal publisher: Springer International Publishing
Published year: 2020
Published pages: 425-436
DOI identifier: 10.1007/978-3-030-38085-4_36
ISBN: 978-3-030-38084-7