High level architecture specification - first release

D2.4.a Lead of this deliverable is BOSCH CR in representation of BOSCH SI. The first version of this deliverable (D2.4.a) will specify the high level architecture for the first version of the BIG IoT implementations and development of the use cases and regional pilots. It will define the core components and interfaces within the system and to the surrounding software infrastructure. It will define the basic functionality and behaviour of all components, as well as their relations and basic interaction patterns with the overall system. As such, this deliverable will serve as blueprint and architecture guideline for the technical work across all other work packages. The specification will cover the smart objects and their IoT platforms, the BIG IoT interoperation layer consisting of the BIG IoT API as well as the necessary support services and their hosting infrastructure, and the BIG IoT marketplace with its services and applications. D2.4.a contributes to MS1.