Semicrystalline Polythiophene-Based Nanoparticles Deposited from Water on Flexible PET/ITO Substrates as a Sustainable Approach toward Long-Lasting Solid-State Electrochromic Devices


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Authors: Tiago Moreira, César A. T. Laia, Mattia Zangoli, Mariana Antunes, Francesca Di Maria, Stefano De Monte, Fabiola Liscio, A. Jorge Parola, Giovanna Barbarella

Journal title: ACS Applied Polymer Materials

Journal number: 2/8

Journal publisher: ACS Publications

Published year: 2020

Published pages: 3301-3309

DOI identifier: 10.1021/acsapm.0c00440

ISSN: 2637-6105