This deliverable comes out of Task 5.2. [Lead: NIA+EWG, Support: Tomato, AEESTI/Ecsite+ 3rd prts, BfR, ZSI, PlayGen Studio HB, UnivLeeds]
WP5 will develop a dissemination strategy, which will be published in month 6 (Deliverable D5.3). in order to provide an initial action plan of the activities to be carried out: the dissemination management, the evaluation metrics necessary for assessment of the activities, and the intended methods for the exploitation of project results; a final and refined version of this strategy will be published in month M20 (Deliverable D5.4). The final dissemination report will be published in Month 24 (Deliverable 5.5), with impact being assessed using the metrics defined in D5.4.
The two SeeingNano audiences mentioned above will be addressed separately by in dissemination strategy:
(a) Activities related to the key SeeingNano audiences (M1 - M24)
Sub-Task Leader: NIA ; Supporting partners: ZSI, BfR, ECSITE, Tomato, Playgen, Studio HB
The goal of this sub-task will to generate the key SeeingNano audience’s interest in the developed novel visualisation tools by indicating the following: (i) What is the novel visualisation tool? (ii) What will the tool show? (iii) Where and when are the piloting events occurring?, and (iii) Why should the respective key SeeingNano audience experience it?
The dissemination strategy will incorporate the findings of WP1 (Task 1.3 and Task 1.4), of WP2 (Task 2.1), and of WP3 (Task 3.1), in order to adequately address the audiences, sell the functionality of the tool, to adopt the correct SeeingNano terminology and convey the correct nanotechnology scale comparator, respectively.
The dissemination strategy will describe: (a) The dissemination needs of the key SeeingNano audiences (based on the findings of WP1), (b) A detailed plan of activities tailored to the needs and interests of the respective key SeeingNano audiences (e.g. participation in science fairs, publication of results, best practices and materials at science education portals, publication of supplements in relevant (mass) journals as well as in popular newspapers, flyers in public places), (c) Identification of appropriate dissemination multipliers (for example, but not limited to, news outlets, science centres, science education portals), and (d) Evaluation metrics focusing on gauging participation and engagement of the SeeingNano audiences.
(b) Activities related to the SeeingNano output and result audiences (M1 - M24)
Sub-Task Leader: NIA; Other partners: ZSI; BfR; ECSITE; Tomato; PlayGen; Studio HB
This Sub-Task of WP 5 is responsible for the timely publication and dissemination (and if necessary specific promotion) of the deliverables created and milestones achieves by the SeeingNano project; these include (i.e. PUBLIC Deliverables and Milestones only): D1.1, D1.2, D2.1, D2.4, D3.3, D3.4, D3.7, D4.3, D5.2, D5.4, D5.5, D5.6.
In order to effectively reach out to these audiences, the dissemination strategy will describe a number of activities, including at least the following:
• Create an audio-visual developmental diary that tracks the progress of the project
• Disseminate up-to-date news via the project website
• Publish brochures, posters, press releases and newsletters
• Attend and present at events attended by members of the above-mentioned audiences (e.g. Trade Fairs)
• Networking with European initiatives and organisations in the fields relevant to SeeingNano
• Organisation of a final dissemination workshop at the end of the project, accommodating webinar- and web-camera links to the launch events of SeeingNano visualisation tools at science-museums and –centres, as well as footage from the piloting or earlier launches.
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