This deliverable comes out of Task 2.1. [Lead:Tomato, Support: AEESTI/Ecsite, PlayGen, StudioHB, NIA+EWG]
The task will look at the many information visualisation tools (i.e. techniques and technologies) available (i.e. both established techniques, such as information graphics, data visualisations, transmedia storytelling, graphic novels, educational videos, and cutting-edge technologies, such as oculus rift), with a view to identifying those tools that are suitable for the development of nanotechnology visualisation tools within the aims and objectives of the SeeingNano approach. A range of different tools will be selected, allowing for a varied use of language- or non-language based techniques, as well as different levels of time-component / animated interaction (i.e. tools that allow users to interact in real time on their own or in a shared environment), different levels of societal interaction (i.e. technology for users in different geographic locations to come together and interact), and different level of immersion, education and entertainment (i.e. new virtual tools, such as game-based learning and training systems, simulations, mixed/augmented reality, fully immersive environments, immersive learning and training platforms, related tools, techniques, technologies, standards and best practices).
The output of this task will be a commented inventory of the techniques and technologies available, providing simple judgement on their suitability for nanotechnology visualisation for different target audiences; an additional outcome of this Task, in collaboration with WP1 (Task 1.3) and WP3 (Task 3.2), is the decision on which generic visualisation tools to utilise for the development of the SeeingNano visualisation tools, and the identification of the necessary software and hardware; the decisions will be taken at a WP3 decision-making workshop (Milestone M3.1) in month 3.
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