eLENS ShowCases(s) will provide a mean for a final validation of eLENS added value.
eLENS ShowCases(s) will be delivered in a form of application of USE-CASEs for a particular environmental problem (for instance: deforestation alarming USE-CASE being employed in specific Romania region = Romania Showcase).
Two types of showcase validations are planned:
- validation on historical data (for instance: providing EO evidence for historic judicial procedure) and
- validation through implementation in current environmental issue (for instance: current deforestation monitoring of specific region).
Current list of ShowCase candidates includes:
- Deforestation and habitat destruction/alteration: identification of court cases of major incidents to demonstrate landmark cases where EO could be used effectively. At the same time, identify publicly less exposed yet equally worrying cases of land degradation and use the EO system to support changes in policy and legislation and recommendations for forest restoration efforts.
- Wetland encroachment: similar approach will be taken as above.
- eLENS Portal (with all its components; D6.7) in operation
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