Food regulatory status of the chemicals for HNT modification or as active substances

The food regulatory status of the chemicals intended for use in HNT modification or as active substances will be recorded. This will included a check of all substances for listing in the EU- Plastics Regulation No. 10/2011 or the Food Additives Regulation No. 13333/2008, Flavouring Regulations No 1334/2008, 872/2012, for any other approvals in EU, member states or USA, existing evaluations (e.g. by EFSA, German BfR, FDA), available summaries of toxicological data (e.g. at ECHA). An evaluation on not yet approved substances will be provided regarding their perspective for approval based on the available data and a preliminary estimate on toxicology data gaps will be given as well. All will be used for the Dossier in order to obtain a food contact approval for active packaging.