Photonics research and innovation priorities for Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016/2017

To implement the European photonics strategy and strengthen photonics research and innovation under the Photonics PPP Photonics21 will coordinate an efficient, open and transparent photonics community strategy and consultation process to provide the topics for Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016/2017 and 2018/2019. The 7 thematic Photonics21 work groups will be responsible to provide research and innovation topics for their specific photonics application area. In the further process Photonics21 will provide the final work group proposals to the Board of Stakeholders as decision-making body of the platform which determines the overall photonics strategy implementation. The Board of Stakeholders will be asked to conduct a final prioritisation and selection of the research and innovation topics. The Photonics21 Executive Board will provide these community results to the Photonics PPP call implementation process. Photonics21 will document the photonics community consultation process and e.g. monitor the number of participants contributing to the strategy and implementation workshops as well as the decision making process during the consultation phase.