Webinars are going to contribute to knowledge sharing and capacity building. They will alternate with on-site trainings.
They will tentatively take place in periods starting in MO (M6, M12, M18, M24, etc).The materials related to the webinars will be available online to the interested NCPs and to the applicants when and if relevant.
Webinars will be created to complement those offered by relevant support projects or networks like “Fit for Health 2.0” or “Ideal-IST”. When designing the work plan for collaboration with the different relevant networks (Task 4.6 Liaison with other NCP networks, support networks and projects) HNN 2.0 will offer the opportunity of opening their webinars to their networks and will also expect that other projects may open their webinars, when the thematic is relevant, to the SC1 NCPs.
Synergies with e.g. IMI2 webinars targeted to NCPs will also be sought.
Some webinars may be opened to national multipliers of SC1 NCP when the subject is relevant and appropriate. Even though multipliers are not the direct target group of the project activities, opening online training courses to this community has no additional costs and has previously proven to indirectly impact on the quality of submitted proposals.
A timetable with the virtual training courses will be provided to the network long time in advance so that NCPs can book them on their agendas.
A preliminary table with potential topics for the on-site and online courses is already foreseen, but should nevertheless be considered strictly as a tentative planning. The final training plan of HNN 2.0 will take into due consideration the needs of all the SC1 NCPs, namely within the remit of WP1 exercises. The training calendar of around 16 online and training courses, to be organized throughout the project, will be published in due time. In order to answer emerging training needs throughout the project, a certain degree of flexibility will be kept.
The preliminary table with potential topics for training courses and webinars is presented at the end of this WP.
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