Report on Staff exchange programme

This programme grants the NCPs the opportunity to travel and learn on-site how the office of a homologue works whereby the host shows and shares with the visiting NCP their way of working at their institution and delivering NCP services to their clients. These exchanges will be based on a predefined programme agreed with the participants (both host and visitor), will have a duration of 2 days and will ideally take place back to back to an applicant targeted NCP activity (ex. Info day or training event) in the host NCP country that would involve the attending NCPs in the national activity. HNN 2.0 will offer to at least one NCP from each MS and AC the opportunity to participate in a staff exchange programme, throughout the project lifetime. The project will ensure 40 NCPs participating in staff exchange trips. Following the experience from the previous “Health NCP Net” project, involving more than one NCP per staff exchange is also beneficial from the perspective of learning and exchanging practices for the group, and also a cost advantage arises for the host. Therefore the host office could accept up to 3-4 NCPs per visit. Ideally the 13 partners of the consortium should each host one staff exchange.