Joint Meet and Exchange workshops will be organized with other relevant stakeholders (relevant networks and projects) in order to provide Health NCPs with the possibility to offer an enhanced support to their clients for the formation of high quality consortia.
By “Meet and Exchange” workshops it is understood that exchange of experiences, learning from each other on certain topics to be defined will happen. These workshops can take different forms and have as main aim to be practical and constructive.
Subtask 3.3.1. Enterprise Europe Network
The objective of this task is to jointly organize a workshop addressed to both SC1 NCPs and Sectorial Group Healthcare EEN advisors so as to learn from each other, to exchange experiences and see how the networks can collaborate in the future. The outcomes of the workshop will be used by the HNN 2.0 representative who will liaise with EEN to define the collaboration guidelines for H2020. This workshop would be led by members of both NCP networks.
Subtask 3.3.2. Ideal-ist
The collaboration with ICT NCPs is crucial to better serve the clients as ICT is a determinant element in SC1. One joint workshop will be organized with the main aim to gain knowledge about each other and to establish guidelines for collaboration under H2020. This workshop would be led by members of both NCP networks.
In case of identified needs, dedicated workshops may be organized for the collaboration with other initiatives like EMA or the IPR Helpdesk, although mutual learning will be sought by inviting them as speakers to training courses or webinars under WP2.
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