Joint European database prepared for combining national/or regional registry outcome data related to iodine status

The first task related to WP1 is to request the 22 national representatives involved in EUthyroid to get access to relevant data from registries in their respective countries. Requested registry data includes numbers of patients registered with relevant disease codes according to the ICD-10 system by WHO (E00-E07 including subcodes and C73), numbers of thyroid surgery and fine needle biopsy procedures performed, numbers of radio-iodine doses applied, and sales figures of relevant medication (ATC-codes H03A+H03B). Data from at least the past three years will be requested. Approval from local ethical committees will be obtained if required. As national registry data becomes available, a joint database will be built up at CCRP. The database will include measures of thyroid related disorders and treatments in addition to demographic data describing the distributions of age and gender in the different European populations. Tight communication between WP1 and WP2 will ensure a common structure of the two WP databases. In collaboration with the principal investigator of WP1, handling and documentation of the database will be carried out by an experienced data manager. The joint database will constitute a model for future Pan-European data collections aiming to monitor the effects of IDD prevention programmes.