Website published

WP6 will create a multilingual website consumer and publicly accessible It will be the main information resource for EUthyroid describing the project objectives and phases work areas main results publications and links to relevant websites The content of the EUthyroid website will be divided in sections for the various stakeholder groups based on the requirements defined in the communication plan The content will be regularly updated with input of all partners to keep interested stake holders and the public informed of the projects objectives and progress as well as general issues about iodine deficiencyAdditional visitors will be attracted by using established networks such as YouTube The website will also report on new developments open positions and the work done within the EUthyroid consortium on a more general basis It will exploit synergies with the website of IGN to transfer visibility from this established portal The site layout and graphic aspect will be specifically designed to optimise communication to scientific experts policy makers and also to the general public and allow downloading of dissemination material The website will ensure appropriate representation of health issues through complying with the HONcode principles and applying for a HON certificate A very limited version of the website will be made available in a wider variety of languages to support regional monitors in their dissemination tasks