1. Organisations
  2. Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
Basic information
Country: Belgium
EC Portal: Visit
General description

BBEPP (www.bbeu.org) is a flexible and diversified open access pilot plant for the development and up-scaling of new, biobased and industrial biotechnology processes. it is a rather recent (fully operational since 2011) open access 'centre of expertise' that has built up European importance in the past years. BBEU offers pilot infrastructure and scale-up expertise to third parties (SMEs, large entreprises and research centres) for developing industrial biotechnology innovations into industrial products and processes. BBEPP is an open innovation infrastructure that enables companies to cross the valley of death between research and market for the KET Industrial Biotech. Despite its recent existence, BBEU has proven to fill in the missing link between research and market, especially for SMEs that want to bring new biobased products to the market. BBEPP was selected by the European Commission as a multi-KET Pilot Lines demonstrator in 2014 (www.mkpl.eu). BBEU is located in the port of Ghent, Belgium.

Associated products/services
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