UTOFIA | Underwater Time Of Flight Image Acquisition system

UTOFIA will offer a compact and cost-effective underwater imaging system for turbid environments. Using range-gated imaging, the system will extend the imaging range by factor 2 to 3 over conventional imaging systems, while at the same time providing video-rate 3D information. This will fill the current gap between short-range, high-resolution conventional video and long-range low-resolution sonar systems.

UTOFIA offers a new modus operandi for the main targeted domains of application: marine life monitoring, harbour and ocean litter detection, fisheries and aquaculture stock assessment, and seabed mapping.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/633098
Start date: 01-02-2015
End date: 30-04-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 5 716 971,00 Euro - 5 716 971,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

UTOFIA will offer a compact and cost-effective underwater imaging system for turbid environments. Using range-gated imaging, the system will extend the imaging range by factor 2 to 3 over conventional imaging systems, while at the same time providing video-rate 3D information. This will fill the current gap between short-range, high-resolution conventional video and long-range low-resolution sonar systems.

UTOFIA offers a new modus operandi for the main targeted domains of application: marine life monitoring, harbour and ocean litter detection, fisheries and aquaculture stock assessment, and seabed mapping.



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