NIVA | A New IACS Vision in Action

The discussion on the modernisation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is in full progress and one element is how the CAP will benefit from and stimulate ongoing digitisation of the agricultural sector. Digitisation accelerates a cost-effective administration of CAP payments, the update of CAP instruments, stimulates data (re) use for monitoring the societal benefits of agriculture towards climate, environment and rural development and thus improves the sustainability and competitiveness of the sector. Administrative bodies from 9 EU Member States join forces to realise a new vision on the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) – the instrument for CAP governance – in this project called: “New IACS Vision in Action” (NIVA). The project is built on an iterative work plan. This ensures fast results, built-in flexibility and greater involvement of stakeholders. NIVA strives for maximum impact by involving all EU paying agencies and other relevant actors in the stakeholder board, by reserving a substantial budget for supporting third parties and the set-up of an innovation ecosystem that will continue after the project. NIVA manages cross cutting digital innovations as well as standardization issues in dedicated work packages as defining, accepting and defending common standards is exemplifying the desire for collaboration. The nine prime use cases are demonstrated in three waves, from national to multi-national to pan-European, hence underlining our ambition to make a significant contribution to improved digital competences, awareness and innovation at the European scale. The project’s results are a suite of digital innovations and a roadmap for IACS transformation. The project will speed up innovation, reduce administrative burden, sustain broader and deeper collaboration in an innovation ecosystem and provide methods to establish information flows to improve environmental performance.
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Start date: 01-06-2019
End date: 30-11-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 10 742 095,00 Euro - 9 999 946,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The discussion on the modernisation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is in full progress and one element is how the CAP will benefit from and stimulate ongoing digitisation of the agricultural sector. Digitisation accelerates a cost-effective administration of CAP payments, the update of CAP instruments, stimulates data (re) use for monitoring the societal benefits of agriculture towards climate, environment and rural development and thus improves the sustainability and competitiveness of the sector. Administrative bodies from 9 EU Member States join forces to realise a new vision on the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) – the instrument for CAP governance – in this project called: “New IACS Vision in Action” (NIVA). The project is built on an iterative work plan. This ensures fast results, built-in flexibility and greater involvement of stakeholders. NIVA strives for maximum impact by involving all EU paying agencies and other relevant actors in the stakeholder board, by reserving a substantial budget for supporting third parties and the set-up of an innovation ecosystem that will continue after the project. NIVA manages cross cutting digital innovations as well as standardization issues in dedicated work packages as defining, accepting and defending common standards is exemplifying the desire for collaboration. The nine prime use cases are demonstrated in three waves, from national to multi-national to pan-European, hence underlining our ambition to make a significant contribution to improved digital competences, awareness and innovation at the European scale. The project’s results are a suite of digital innovations and a roadmap for IACS transformation. The project will speed up innovation, reduce administrative burden, sustain broader and deeper collaboration in an innovation ecosystem and provide methods to establish information flows to improve environmental performance.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.3.2. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy
H2020-EU.3.2.1. Sustainable agriculture and forestry
H2020-EU. Empowerment of rural areas, support to policies and rural innovation
RUR-20-2018 Digital solutions and e-tools to modernize the CAP