RECYCOMP | Development of equipment for composite recycling process of uncured material

The RECYCOMP project is focused in the reutilization of uncured scrap material, aiming at preparing it for a subsequent reuse for the manufacturing of functional components. The main activity focuses on the development of an equipment able to recover the uncured scraps coming from lamination process, avoiding the degradation (associated to undesired curing) and preparing the material in a suitable form for the generation of new pre-impregnated material useful for the lamination process of new components.
The main objective of the RECYCOMP project is to develop a machine for the recovery and recycling of CFRP uncured scraps, taking the surplus material coming from lamination and generating new useful pre-impregnated material in a roll.
The machine includes 3 main modules able to: identify the scraps area and fibre orientation; cut the scrap in rectangular chips; and to pick and place the chips in a new backing material for the subsequent use.
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Start date: 01-07-2020
End date: 30-11-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 786 967,00 Euro - 786 967,00 Euro
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The RECYCOMP project is focused in the reutilization of uncured scrap material, aiming at preparing it for a subsequent reuse for the manufacturing of functional components. The main activity focuses on the development of an equipment able to recover the uncured scraps coming from lamination process, avoiding the degradation (associated to undesired curing) and preparing the material in a suitable form for the generation of new pre-impregnated material useful for the lamination process of new components.
The main objective of the RECYCOMP project is to develop a machine for the recovery and recycling of CFRP uncured scraps, taking the surplus material coming from lamination and generating new useful pre-impregnated material in a roll.
The machine includes 3 main modules able to: identify the scraps area and fibre orientation; cut the scrap in rectangular chips; and to pick and place the chips in a new backing material for the subsequent use.



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