vf-OS | Virtual Factory Open Operating System


The primary outcomes of vf-OS are an:

  • Open Operating System (vf-OS) and Software Development Kit (OAK) for Factories of the Future that aims to be the reference system software for collaborative manufacturing and logistics processes including its associated resources and data
  • Open vf-OS Platform, including a Multi-sided application marketplace and development studio, that aims to become the Apps Store for Manufacturing industry.

The multi-sided marketplace will allow Manufacturing Users, Manufacturing Resource providers, Service Providers and Software Developers to cooperate and demand, build, select, and use vf-OS applications with the vf-OS exploiters, like classical App stores, having a business model based on taking a share of purchases of applications and services from the platform.

vf-OS is composed of a Virtual Factory System Kernel (vf-SK), a Virtual Factory Application Programming Interface (vf-API) and a Virtual Factory Middleware (vf-MW) for interoperable and secure collaboration among supply networks, enterprises, machines, data and objects. The Virtual Factory Platform (vf-P) will be a infrastructure, either in-cloud or on-premise, that supports the Manufacturing Apps Store and Virtual Machines. vf-OS especially addresses SMEs by providing a full functionality at affordable cost and with Cloud availability.

The Manufacturing Apps will be developed with an Open Applications Development Kit (vf-OAK), freely provided to software developers, for rapid and cost effective deployment of advanced industrial applications running over vf-OS, allowing fast time-to-market and world-wide base industrial clients.

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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: http://vf-os.eu
Start date: 01-10-2016
End date: 31-10-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 7 758 580,00 Euro - 7 758 580,00 Euro
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Cordis data

Original description

The primary outcomes of vf-OS are an:
- Open Operating System (vf-OS) and Software Development Kit (OAK) for Factories of the Future that aims to be the reference system software for collaborative manufacturing and logistics processes including its associated resources and data
- Open vf-OS Platform, including a Multi-sided application marketplace and development studio, that aims to become the Apps Store for Manufacturing industry
The multi-sided marketplace will allow Manufacturing Users, Manufacturing Resource providers, Service Providers and Software Developers to cooperate and demand, build, select, and use vf-OS applications with the vf-OS exploiters, like classical App stores, having a business model based on taking a share of purchases of applications and services from the platform.

vf-OS is composed of a Virtual Factory System Kernel (vf-SK), a Virtual Factory Application Programming Interface (vf-API) and a Virtual Factory Middleware (vf-MW) for interoperable and secure collaboration among supply networks, enterprises, machines, data and objects. The Virtual Factory Platform (vf-P) will be a infrastructure, either in-cloud or on-premise, that supports the Manufacturing Apps Store and Virtual Machines. vf-OS especially addresses SMEs by providing a full functionality at affordable cost and with Cloud availability.

The Manufacturing Apps will be developed with an Open Applications Development Kit (vf-OAK), freely provided to software developers, for rapid and cost effective deployment of advanced industrial applications running over vf-OS, allowing fast time-to-market and world-wide base industrial clients.



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European Partnerships
Factories of the Future Partnership (FoF) - Made in Europe Partnership (MiE)
H2020 - Factories of the Future
FOF-11-2016 Digital automation
Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
FOF-11-2016 Digital automation