ENERXICO | Supercomputing and Energy for Mexico

This project is going to apply exascale HPC techniques to different energy industry simulations of critical interest for Mexico. ENERXICO will give solutions for oil & gas industry in upstream, midstream and downstream problems, wind energy industry and combustion efficiency for transportation. This project brings together the main stakeholders of the energy industry in Mexico and European energy companies working at the Mexican market, jointly with the main European HPC company. The main objectives of the project are: - to develop beyond the state of the art high performance simulation tools that can help the modernization of the mexican energy industry and are also of interest for european companies. These simulation tools should be ready to be used in exascale computers that are in the roadmap of european IT companies. - to improve the cooperation between industries from EU and Mexico. - to improve the cooperation between the leading research groups in EU and Mexico
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/828947
Start date: 01-06-2019
End date: 31-08-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 3 998 902,00 Euro - 1 999 030,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This project is going to apply exascale HPC techniques to different energy industry simulations of critical interest for Mexico. ENERXICO will give solutions for oil & gas industry in upstream, midstream and downstream problems, wind energy industry and combustion efficiency for transportation. This project brings together the main stakeholders of the energy industry in Mexico and European energy companies working at the Mexican market, jointly with the main European HPC company. The main objectives of the project are: - to develop beyond the state of the art high performance simulation tools that can help the modernization of the mexican energy industry and are also of interest for european companies. These simulation tools should be ready to be used in exascale computers that are in the roadmap of european IT companies. - to improve the cooperation between industries from EU and Mexico. - to improve the cooperation between the leading research groups in EU and Mexico



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