EURHISFIRM | Historical high-quality company-level data for Europe

EURHISFIRM designs a world-class research infrastructure (RI) to connect, collect, collate, align, and share detailed, reliable, and standardized long-term financial, governance, and geographical data on European companies. EURHISFIRM enables researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and evaluate effective strategies to promote investment, economic growth and job creation. The RI provides the tools for long-term analysis highlighting the dynamics of the past and the way those dynamics structure our present and future. A few large stand-alone long-term databases have been built in Europe so far, while important resources have been invested into scattered and dispersed historical datasets. EURHISFIRM develops innovative models and technologies to spark a “Big data” revolution in historical social sciences and valorize Europe’s cultural heritage. These technologies match and collate historical data, and connect them to recent ones. They bring the next generation of data extraction and enrichment systems from digitized historical sources and web-based resources. The scaling up in the variety, quantity and quality of long-term data changes the way of conducting scientific enquiry in the historical social sciences. EURHISFIRM constitutes a vibrant and large users’ community around the innovative data and services provided. The 2016 ESFRI Roadmap identifies Big Data, interdisciplinarity and innovative ways to disseminate research products as the main science drivers for RIs in the Social Sciences and Humanities. It recognizes the need and the opportunity for RIs providing access to the European Cultural Heritage and innovative methods to analyze and integrate information extracted to broad communities. EURHISFIRM fulfills this mission in close cooperation with ESFRI Landmark CESSDA and other existing RIs in the field of Arts and Humanities, like DARIAH, within the Research Data Alliance.
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Start date: 01-04-2018
End date: 30-06-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 3 385 860,00 Euro - 3 385 610,00 Euro
Cordis data

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EURHISFIRM designs a world-class research infrastructure (RI) to connect, collect, collate, align, and share detailed, reliable, and standardized long-term financial, governance, and geographical data on European companies. EURHISFIRM enables researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders to develop and evaluate effective strategies to promote investment, economic growth and job creation. The RI provides the tools for long-term analysis highlighting the dynamics of the past and the way those dynamics structure our present and future. A few large stand-alone long-term databases have been built in Europe so far, while important resources have been invested into scattered and dispersed historical datasets. EURHISFIRM develops innovative models and technologies to spark a “Big data” revolution in historical social sciences and valorize Europe’s cultural heritage. These technologies match and collate historical data, and connect them to recent ones. They bring the next generation of data extraction and enrichment systems from digitized historical sources and web-based resources. The scaling up in the variety, quantity and quality of long-term data changes the way of conducting scientific enquiry in the historical social sciences. EURHISFIRM constitutes a vibrant and large users’ community around the innovative data and services provided. The 2016 ESFRI Roadmap identifies Big Data, interdisciplinarity and innovative ways to disseminate research products as the main science drivers for RIs in the Social Sciences and Humanities. It recognizes the need and the opportunity for RIs providing access to the European Cultural Heritage and innovative methods to analyze and integrate information extracted to broad communities. EURHISFIRM fulfills this mission in close cooperation with ESFRI Landmark CESSDA and other existing RIs in the field of Arts and Humanities, like DARIAH, within the Research Data Alliance.



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