COPILOT | CO-creating the next generation platform of PILOT and demo infrastructures, unlocking faster innovation and EU bioeconomy growth

The overall aim of the COPILOT project is to build the reference database of bioeconomy-based Europe wide open-access infrastructures that accelerate the scale-up of innovations and to unify and interlink the related bioeconomy ecosystem for scaling-up: Infrastructures, Innovators and Enablers into one vibrant community. Since pilot and demo equipment is very expensive and requires specific expertise in a short span of time, open access infrastructures are the most cost and speed-effective manner to support the deployment of biobased industry-driven innovations in the market. In accordance with the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action plan, COPILOT aims to create an open access pilot and demo database embedded into a self-sustainable platform:
1. Exploitation of past pioneer EU projects experiences and achievements (Pilots4U, ESFRI and BioeconomyVenture)
2. Co-creation dynamics coming from the community to create a tailored-made platform for users’ needs; Engagement and stimulation to participate in COPILOT activities via 3 Open Calls.
3. Key services, training, and matchmaking opportunities aiming to foster collaborations among the community to unlock a clearer and faster access of the bioprocesses scale-up in the EU for Innovators and Enablers
This will be carried out in close collaboration with the full consortium build on a strong pool of experts within the fields of bioeconomy ensuring the involvement of all the relevant EU regions to consolidate the maximum outreach of the initiative. It consists of 10 partners with complementary competences: 2 major partners involved in the EU bio-economy Infrastructure ecosystem, involved in the Pilots4U project as well (VTT and BBEPP); 7 clusters or networks of start-ups, spin-offs, corporates, investors and public authorities (IBF, FOOD+I, B4C, KHZ, SGZ, SPRING and BIOEAST), and 1 partner representing the largest global start-up network who will ensure the right methodology and strong impacts of the FSTP strategy (F6S).
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Start date: 01-06-2024
End date: 30-11-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 1 499 577,50 Euro - 1 499 576,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The overall aim of the COPILOT project is to build the reference database of bioeconomy-based Europe wide open-access infrastructures that accelerate the scale-up of innovations and to unify and interlink the related bioeconomy ecosystem for scaling-up: Infrastructures, Innovators and Enablers into one vibrant community. Since pilot and demo equipment is very expensive and requires specific expertise in a short span of time, open access infrastructures are the most cost and speed-effective manner to support the deployment of biobased industry-driven innovations in the market. In accordance with the European Bioeconomy Strategy and Action plan, COPILOT aims to create an open access pilot and demo database embedded into a self-sustainable platform:
1. Exploitation of past pioneer EU projects experiences and achievements (Pilots4U, ESFRI and BioeconomyVenture)
2. Co-creation dynamics coming from the community to create a tailored-made platform for users’ needs; Engagement and stimulation to participate in COPILOT activities via 3 Open Calls.
3. Key services, training, and matchmaking opportunities aiming to foster collaborations among the community to unlock a clearer and faster access of the bioprocesses scale-up in the EU for Innovators and Enablers
This will be carried out in close collaboration with the full consortium build on a strong pool of experts within the fields of bioeconomy ensuring the involvement of all the relevant EU regions to consolidate the maximum outreach of the initiative. It consists of 10 partners with complementary competences: 2 major partners involved in the EU bio-economy Infrastructure ecosystem, involved in the Pilots4U project as well (VTT and BBEPP); 7 clusters or networks of start-ups, spin-offs, corporates, investors and public authorities (IBF, FOOD+I, B4C, KHZ, SGZ, SPRING and BIOEAST), and 1 partner representing the largest global start-up network who will ensure the right methodology and strong impacts of the FSTP strategy (F6S).



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.6 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
HORIZON.2.6.6 Bio-based Innovation Systems in the EU Bioeconomy
HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-S-01 EU-wide network of pilot plants and testing facilities, improving SMEs and start-ups' access to scale-up