PRESERVE | Protecting euRopean public spaces against Emergent hoStile drone thrEats thRough an adVanced multidimensional shield and cross-border intelligEnce

PRESERVE will deliver a trustworthy, transparent, and easy-to-use Hybrid C-UAS C2 platform supporting Police Authorities with the prevention, early detection and optimal management of operational response against current and emergent threats in drone technology, increasing the security of citizens in public spaces and contributing significantly to the novel EU Counter-UAS policy. By fusing heterogeneous data from an array of physical sensors and online sources, the project will tackle the so far unmanageable threat of weaponised consumer drone swarms through open-source knowledge by non-state actors. PRESERVE will produce s multidimensional shield synthesised into four Products: “Swarm-based C-UAS Arsenal” (P1-SECURE), “Online Drone Intelligence Engine” (ODIN), the “PRESERVE platform” (P3), as the integral solution, and the “C-UAV Training Programme” (P4).
PRESERVE platform and products will be validated in near-real environments targeting specific Pilot Use-Cases (PUC), where the real needs expressed by the end-users will be addressed. The flexible and scalable architecture of the PRESERVE platform will allow end-users to implement the platform as a whole or to adopt only specific services and tools based on their operational needs. Theoretical and practical UNITAR-certified trainings, hands-on experience, table-top exercises and field full-scale exercises will boost the uptake of PRESERVE products. The platform development will be governed by ethics, privacy-by-design and AI-trustworthiness, considering EU and relevant national legislations, as well as societal aspects. With four Police Authorities, six Research institutions, four Industry partners (including three SMEs), two Regulatory, Policy, Standard, and Social experts and two Affiliated Entities, the PRESERVE consortium delivers a strong multidisciplinary combination of expertise and novel technologies to meet its objectives.
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Start date: 01-10-2024
End date: 30-09-2027
Total budget - Public funding: 3 998 581,00 Euro - 3 998 581,00 Euro
Cordis data

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PRESERVE will deliver a trustworthy, transparent, and easy-to-use Hybrid C-UAS C2 platform supporting Police Authorities with the prevention, early detection and optimal management of operational response against current and emergent threats in drone technology, increasing the security of citizens in public spaces and contributing significantly to the novel EU Counter-UAS policy. By fusing heterogeneous data from an array of physical sensors and online sources, the project will tackle the so far unmanageable threat of weaponised consumer drone swarms through open-source knowledge by non-state actors. PRESERVE will produce s multidimensional shield synthesised into four Products: “Swarm-based C-UAS Arsenal” (P1-SECURE), “Online Drone Intelligence Engine” (ODIN), the “PRESERVE platform” (P3), as the integral solution, and the “C-UAV Training Programme” (P4).
PRESERVE platform and products will be validated in near-real environments targeting specific Pilot Use-Cases (PUC), where the real needs expressed by the end-users will be addressed. The flexible and scalable architecture of the PRESERVE platform will allow end-users to implement the platform as a whole or to adopt only specific services and tools based on their operational needs. Theoretical and practical UNITAR-certified trainings, hands-on experience, table-top exercises and field full-scale exercises will boost the uptake of PRESERVE products. The platform development will be governed by ethics, privacy-by-design and AI-trustworthiness, considering EU and relevant national legislations, as well as societal aspects. With four Police Authorities, six Research institutions, four Industry partners (including three SMEs), two Regulatory, Policy, Standard, and Social experts and two Affiliated Entities, the PRESERVE consortium delivers a strong multidisciplinary combination of expertise and novel technologies to meet its objectives.



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Horizon Europe
HORIZON.2 Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
HORIZON.2.3 Civil Security for Society
HORIZON.2.3.2 Protection and Security