LIFT | Unleash the potential of CSAs results to contribute to sustainable and competitive Bio-Based Industries in Europe

LIFT will maximise the impact of Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) by valorising their outcomes and promoting the collaboration among them. Lift aims at identifying gaps to be addressed to ensure a stimulating environment boosting the bio-based economy. In short LIFT will:
1)Provide a global vision of objectives and results of past and ongoing Coordination and Support Actions
2)Maximise the impact of CSAs results, and make them actionable by industries and policy makers.
3)Analyse existing CSA programming gaps and identify challenges to be addressed, through multistakeholders’ collaboration
4)Raise awareness and communicate the CSAs’ contribution in addressing bioeconomy-related challenges
5)Provide actionable recommendations and suggestions for new CSA topics for AWP 2020
LIFT will start with thorough mapping of relevant CSAs, the synthesis of their results and the analysis of CSA programming gaps vis-à-vis long-term bio-based industry objectives. LIFT will cover the identification of all relevant stakeholders and the creation and animation of a network of stakeholders. Next, LIFT findings and assets will be made readily available, integrated and especially actionable by industries and policy makers. To this end LIFT will unlock bio-economy CSA outputs through an online library, transform LIFT findings and results into Actionable Knowledge, and organise active stakeholder dialogue through Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) workshops. LIFT activities, events, achievements, findings and online library results will be disseminated widely.
The project will culminate in recommendations for future CSA programming contributing to the creation of a stimulating environment for a sustainable, strong and competitive bio-based industry in Europe. The recommendations will be validated with EC, BIC and BBI JU. They will include clear measures to ensure sustainability and exploitation of results.
The LIFT consortium is industry-led and well- experienced in BBI JU.
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Start date: 01-05-2019
End date: 30-04-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 272 062,50 Euro - 249 875,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

LIFT will maximise the impact of Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) by valorising their outcomes and promoting the collaboration among them. Lift aims at identifying gaps to be addressed to ensure a stimulating environment boosting the bio-based economy. In short LIFT will:
1)Provide a global vision of objectives and results of past and ongoing Coordination and Support Actions
2)Maximise the impact of CSAs results, and make them actionable by industries and policy makers.
3)Analyse existing CSA programming gaps and identify challenges to be addressed, through multistakeholders’ collaboration
4)Raise awareness and communicate the CSAs’ contribution in addressing bioeconomy-related challenges
5)Provide actionable recommendations and suggestions for new CSA topics for AWP 2020
LIFT will start with thorough mapping of relevant CSAs, the synthesis of their results and the analysis of CSA programming gaps vis-à-vis long-term bio-based industry objectives. LIFT will cover the identification of all relevant stakeholders and the creation and animation of a network of stakeholders. Next, LIFT findings and assets will be made readily available, integrated and especially actionable by industries and policy makers. To this end LIFT will unlock bio-economy CSA outputs through an online library, transform LIFT findings and results into Actionable Knowledge, and organise active stakeholder dialogue through Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) workshops. LIFT activities, events, achievements, findings and online library results will be disseminated widely.
The project will culminate in recommendations for future CSA programming contributing to the creation of a stimulating environment for a sustainable, strong and competitive bio-based industry in Europe. The recommendations will be validated with EC, BIC and BBI JU. They will include clear measures to ensure sustainability and exploitation of results.
The LIFT consortium is industry-led and well- experienced in BBI JU.



Call topic


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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.4. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Biotechnology
BBI.2018.SO4.S1 Benefit from previous and current work to create a coherent and stimulating ‘environment’ for a sustainable bio-based industry in Europe
H2020-EU.3.2. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy
H2020-EU.3.2.6. Bio-based Industries Joint Technology Initiative (BBI-JTI)
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
BBI.2018.SO4.S1 Benefit from previous and current work to create a coherent and stimulating ‘environment’ for a sustainable bio-based industry in Europe