The level of activities of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is not balanced throughout Europe. This is particularly the case in 'moderate/modest innovator' countries according to the European Innovation Scoreboard. This may be the result of insufficient knowledge of the potential for the bio-based industry in these countries, by actors in bio-based activities in these countries as well as by BIC. Additionally, actors in these countries may not be fully aware of the opportunities offered by BIC and the Bio-based Industries Initiative. The Central Europe LEaders in Bioeconomy (CELEBio) project will contribute with fact-based information and networking, which will represent a starting point for further expansion of the Bioeconomy in the relevant geographical area. The main objective of CELEBio is therefore to contribute to strengthening Bioeconomy-related activities in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia through the elaboration of evidence-based Action Plans for each of the targeted countries, as well as through the dissemination of information on the opportunities offered by BBI. To this end, the CELEBio project team will support the setting-up of a network of BBI info points (BBI Ambassadors). In order to set the grounds for further action in support of the uptake of bio-based technologies and facilitate matchmaking between stakeholders in research and industry, the CELEBio project team will map Bioeconomy stakeholders.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/838087
Start date: 01-06-2019
End date: 30-11-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 749 350,00 Euro - 749 350,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The level of activities of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is not balanced throughout Europe. This is particularly the case in 'moderate/modest innovator' countries according to the European Innovation Scoreboard. This may be the result of insufficient knowledge of the potential for the bio-based industry in these countries, by actors in bio-based activities in these countries as well as by BIC. Additionally, actors in these countries may not be fully aware of the opportunities offered by BIC and the Bio-based Industries Initiative. The Central Europe LEaders in Bioeconomy (CELEBio) project will contribute with fact-based information and networking, which will represent a starting point for further expansion of the Bioeconomy in the relevant geographical area. The main objective of CELEBio is therefore to contribute to strengthening Bioeconomy-related activities in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia through the elaboration of evidence-based Action Plans for each of the targeted countries, as well as through the dissemination of information on the opportunities offered by BBI. To this end, the CELEBio project team will support the setting-up of a network of BBI info points (BBI Ambassadors). In order to set the grounds for further action in support of the uptake of bio-based technologies and facilitate matchmaking between stakeholders in research and industry, the CELEBio project team will map Bioeconomy stakeholders.



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