HBM4EU | European Human Biomonitoring Initiative 01-01-2017 - 30-06-2022 Show more information Organisation USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI MEDICINY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE
TUBE | Transport derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects 01-05-2019 - 31-10-2023 Show more information Organisation USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI MEDICINY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE
ASTROTECH | Disruptive materials, technologies & approaches to unravel the role of Astrocytes in brain function and dysfunction: towards to Glial interfaces 01-11-2020 - 30-04-2025 Show more information Organisation USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI MEDICINY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE
iP-OSTEO | Induced pluripotent stem cell seeded active osteochondral nanofibrous scaffolds 01-02-2019 - 31-07-2024 Show more information Organisation USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI MEDICINY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE
PAREMPI | Particle emission prevention and impact: from real-world emissions of traffic to secondary PM of urban air 01-01-2023 - 31-12-2025 Show more information Organisation USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI MEDICINY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE
ActiTOX | Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening 01-08-2019 - 31-07-2024 Show more information Organisation USTAV EXPERIMENTALNI MEDICINY AKADEMIE VED CESKE REPUBLIKY VEREJNA VYZKUMNA INSTITUCE