Data Management Plan

Report on Data Management Plan including Open Access to Reserach DataData Management Plan Final version M30The Data Manager of the project Circle Magellan will provide a complete Data Management Plan DMP by M6 and 30 The DMP will allow project partners to manage research data and outputs so balance is achieved between the level of openness OA practices and the possible restrictions needed to ensure an adequate exploitation of the IP generated or other justified legitimate interests All partners commit to manage all their research data according to FAIR principles Firstly SEANERGYs will produce raw data throughout its WPs The data will be then processed and analysed into manageable forms reports tables codes etc Secondly the data will be preserved using appropriate metadata schemes in trusted data repositories The IPR strategy of the project will help determining which preserved data will be made openly and freely accessible share for reuse and reproducibility The data generated will be of several types Data findable Data accessible Data interoperable Data reusable and curation and preservation