Task 8.3 ESR presentation movies

ESR presentation moviesTwo outreach movies will be shot by all ESRs. The first movie, produced at M12, will permit all ESRs to introduce themselves and their project objectives. A second movie directed to the general (non-scientific) audience will be shot by each ESR by the end of their PhD, exposing in a vulgarized way the context, challenges and outcomes of their research. This movie will constitute the practical exercise of a dedicated presentation skills course. A third movie will be prepared jointly by all ESRs and their supervisors, this time addressing a scientific (but not expert) audience. It will be aimed at illustrating, through scientific demonstrations including sound recordings, and making use of the demonstrator developed in Task 8.3 where possible, the effectiveness of the new materials and technologies developed during the project. The movies will be broadcasted through the dissemination channels listed in Section 2.3.1.