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Authors: Paletta, Lucas a ; Schneeberger, Michael b ; Reim, Lilian b ; Kallus, Wolfgang c ; Peer, Andreas d ; Schonauer, Christian d ; Pszeida, Martin d ; Dini, Amir d ; Ladstatter, Stefan d ; Weber, Anna d ; Feischl, Richard e ; Aumayr, Georg f
Journal title: Proceedings of 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2022
Journal number: 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, iLRN 2022Virtual, Vienna30 May 2022through 4 June 2022
Journal publisher: IEEE
Published year: 2022
DOI identifier: 10.23919/ilrn55037.2022.9815976