Quantum Panels

Organization of the first discussion Quantum Panel targeted to companies focused on photonics atom and electron optics and quantum technology and also to regional national and European RDI Policy MakersAt this discussion forum more than 20 participants will be targeted to intensify coordinate and focus the communication of quantum research teams at top Czech Universities UK Praha MU Brno UP Olomouc etc and Czech Academy of Sciences IF Praha ISI Brno etc toiRegional appliedresearch teams CEITEC Brno TU Ostrava TU Brno etciiRegional researchoriented companies eg Meopta Perov Delong Instruments Brno FEI Company Brno iiinational funding institutions Czech Science Foundation Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Ministry of Education Youth and Sport etc ivEU Quantum Technology Flagship and EU QuantEra representativesQuantum Panel will be organized every year of the NONGAUSS project period ie in total 3 events of this type