Report of recommendations on social, financial and technological barriers

D2.3 Report of recommendations on social, financial and technological barriers (M12)As a first step, a review of best practices from current green ports, through different stakeholders social innovation and inclusiveness perspective, will be conducted (desk work + at least 24 interviews to key actors), considering the previously developed T1.2 and port archetypes. Cases will be reviewed in brief on the basis of desk research. Sources of information for this review include project websites, TEN-T Core Network Corridor studies, ESPO and IAPH studies and publicly available information about the permitting processes for individual projects including reports and presentations. Interviews obtained from this task will be recorded and uploaded to the project’s platform (by ATP) as a way of showcasing future reference when implementing the MP’s improvements and recommendations. The information from these interviews will also be transcribed and prepared as input for the interactive map included in Module 10 and developed in WP4 (within the HB) as part of the learn-to-apply objective of the module. Secondly, an analysis exercise will be conducted by FV, using the information from the regional workshops in T2.2 (valuable insights about social and economic barriers and potentialities will be targeted e.g. job creation capacity and its quality related to the business models presented as secondary outcome).By analysing this information, RINA-C will elaborate recommendations for the port environment to foster the uptake of renewables and alternative fuels to enable the transition towards socially and environmentally responsible behaviour within all ranges (e.g. regulatory measures, corporate responsibility initiatives, education) ensuring inclusiveness of all actors and building on social and technological innovation approaches. A general set of recommendations will be produced plus a batch of 4 customised regional factsheets of recommendations.