Hard X-ray stereographic microscopy for single-shot differential phase imaging


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Authors: Bellucci, Valerio; Zdora, Marie-Christine; Mikeš, Ladislav; Birnšteinová, Šarlota; Oberta, Peter; Romagnoni, Marco; Mazzolari, Andrea; Villanueva-Perez, Pablo; Mokso, Rajmund; David, Christian; Makita, Mikako; Cipiccia, Silvia; Uličný, Jozef; Meents, Alke; Mancuso, Adrian P.; Chapman, Henry N.; Vagovič, Patrik

Journal title: Optics Express

Journal number: 31 (11)

Journal publisher: Optica Publishing Group

Published year: 2023

DOI identifier: 10.3929/ethz-b-000619563

ISSN: 1094-4087