Inception workshop report

Co-leaded by IHEID. BOKU will facilitate a participatory inception workshop during the initial stage of SWIFT, organised back-to-back with the kick-off meeting hosted by CSIC. This will involve all participating WLI, two per innovation (except for international), n=38. Specific aims: 1) agree on a set of shared values and develop a common understanding of the concepts used in SWIFT; 2) identify and co-develop key emerging research foci as well as project outputs; 3) facilitate partnerships and network-building among innovators for deeper bi-/trilateral exchanges; 4) agree on the WLI that can commit to further in-depth analysis representative of each cluster. These steps will ensure that SWIFT addresses the issues that are relevant to the innovators and that their specific circumstances are fully taken into account. It will further lead to building synergies at an early stage in the project, and to active involvement in and ownership of SWIFT. We will employ scenario planning through participatory formats such as world café, word clouds and fishbowl discussion. This will enable us to identify the commonalities and differences regarding barriers and opportunities across the innovations, and to clarify understandings of the core concepts being used in SWIFT. This initial exploration will provide a foundation for the project’s research activities (D2.1) and for developing the conceptual framework that will guide research