SWIFT partners will develop a Data Management Plan (DMP, D1.2) encouraging open access to research data. Partners will participate in the extended Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020, with data freely accessible, except for those which are potentially protectable or considered as personal data (in accordance with GDPR). The first version of DMP will be delivered at M6 and updated at the end of each reporting period using the template in Table 4 which incorporates the Horizon Europe guidelines on FAIR data management. Steps in the Data Management Plan.Data Collection•How will the data be collected or created? •What data will you collect or create?Selection and Preservation•Which data should be retained, shared, and/or preserved?•What is the long-term preservation plan for the dataset?Documentation and Metadata•What documentation and metadata will accompany the data?Ethics and Legal Compliance•How will you manage any ethical issues?•How will you manage copyright and Intellectual Property Rights issues?Data Sharing. Data sharing among participants will be subject to specific rules established within the Consortium Agreement.•Are any restrictions on data sharing required?•How will you share the data?Storage and Backup•How will the data be stored and backed up during the research?•How will you manage access and security?Responsibilities and Resources•What resources will you require to deliver your plan?•Who will be responsible for data management?All relevant data will be stored on a secure ISO27001-based server managed by CSIC IT Services. Data sharing among participants will be subject to specific rules as established in the signed Consortium Agreement and facilitated through the use of a secure and password-protected repository that will also be used as a collaborative workspace for the partners.Data will be deposited in existing EU and international archives to ensure their accessibility during and after the project has ended (RISIS Core facility)
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