HYPERA | Affordable Hyperspectral Imaging System for on-line foreign body detection and chemical composition analysis

In response to growing industry demand for rapid, non-destructive techniques for foreign body detection and identification in food products, IRIS (an advanced engineering company from Spain that specialises in the integration of real-time monitoring solutions in the industry) will accelerate the development of an affordable, rapid and accurate hyperspectral imaging (HSI) system for the on-line detection of foreign bodies and chemical composition analysis in modern food processing

The HYPERA® system is based on a novel and disruptive combination of Shortwave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (SWIR-HSI) in reflectance with Near Infrared Multispectral Imaging (NIR-MSI) in reflectance/transmittance and chemometric software. HYPERA offers outstanding performance for the detection of foreign bodies in foodstuffs by enabling: a) penetration (enabled by the NIR); b) composition differentiation (enabled by the SWIR); and c) resolving the image distortion caused by scattering (enabled by the chemometrics); d) compact and low-cost design (enabled by the extended infrared spectral bands to obtain more chemical information from the sample using novel detectors), e) high inspection speeds and versatility (enabled by combining a flexible hyperspectral
imager design with integrated chemometric tools). The HYPERA® system, which will be suitable for multiple application purposes and object, will equip food processors to prevent contaminated food entering the supply chain, thereby protecting the brands as well as the consumer.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/726572
Start date: 01-07-2016
End date: 30-11-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 1 651 750,00 Euro - 1 156 225,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

In response to growing industry demand for rapid, non-destructive techniques for foreign body detection and identification in food products, IRIS (an advanced engineering company from Spain that specialises in the integration of real-time monitoring solutions in the industry) will accelerate the development of an affordable, rapid and accurate hyperspectral imaging (HSI) system for the on-line detection of foreign bodies and chemical composition analysis in modern food processing

The HYPERA® system is based on a novel and disruptive combination of Shortwave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging (SWIR-HSI) in reflectance with Near Infrared Multispectral Imaging (NIR-MSI) in reflectance/transmittance and chemometric software. HYPERA offers outstanding performance for the detection of foreign bodies in foodstuffs by enabling: a) penetration (enabled by the NIR); b) composition differentiation (enabled by the SWIR); and c) resolving the image distortion caused by scattering (enabled by the chemometrics); d) compact and low-cost design (enabled by the extended infrared spectral bands to obtain more chemical information from the sample using novel detectors), e) high inspection speeds and versatility (enabled by combining a flexible hyperspectral
imager design with integrated chemometric tools). The HYPERA® system, which will be suitable for multiple application purposes and object, will equip food processors to prevent contaminated food entering the supply chain, thereby protecting the brands as well as the consumer.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.1. Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
H2020-EU.3.2. SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy
H2020-EU.3.2.1. Sustainable agriculture and forestry
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
H2020-EU.3.2.2. Sustainable and competitive agri-food sector for a safe and healthy diet
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
H2020-EU.3.2.4. Sustainable and competitive bio-based industries and supporting the development of a European bioeconomy
H2020-EU. Cross-cutting call topics
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors
SMEInst-07-2016-2017 Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for sustainable and competitive agriculture, forestry, agri-food and bio-based sectors