Projects overview

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 AI4Manufacturing Toolkit: la colección de tecnologías, herramientas y plataformas de inteligencia artificial del proyecto AI REGIO para la industria manufacturera[AI4Manufacturing Toolkit: the AI REGIO project’s collection of Artificial Intelligence] Result title project’s collection of Artificial Intelligence]
 Reference Architecture for AI DIH V1 Result description Alignment between main Reference Architectures in the RAMI 4.0 domain, specialised for AI and human-centric Collaborative Intelligence.
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Comments R&I Objective 1.4: Artificial intelligence for productive, excellent, robust and agile manufacturing chains - Predictive manufacturing capabilities & logistics of the future MIE Consultation 2020
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Comments The MIDIH Open Source Reference Architecture (MIDIH RA) is a functional and modular architecture that  supports IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies, which are expected
 R&I Objective 4.1: Digital platforms and engineering tools supporting creativity and productivity of manufacturing development Comments The MIDIH Open Source Reference Architecture (MIDIH RA) is a functional and modular architecture that  supports IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies, which are expected
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Comments Developed solutions require the acquisition of data over a longer timespan to better train the artificial intellgence and digital twins based methods.
 R&I Objective 1.1: Zero-defect and zero-downtime high-precision manufacturing, including predictive quality and non-destructive inspection methods Comments Developed solutions require the acquisition of data over a longer timespan to better train the artificial intellgence and digital twins based methods.

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 Smart Systems Everywhere – Intelligence, Autonomy, Technology and Society Result title Smart Systems Everywhere – Intelligence, Autonomy, Technology and Society
 A Machine Learning Suite for Machine Components’ Health-Monitoring Result description IntelligenceJournal number: 33Journal publisher: Association for the Advancement of Artificial IntelligencePublished year: 2019Published pages: 9472-9477DOI identifier: 10.1609/aaai.v33i01.33019472ISSN
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Comments Moreover, there is knowledge sharing via collaboration platform and virtual simulation of production line which offer intelligence in an "hyperconnected way".
 Hyperconnected Factories Pathway Comments Moreover, there is knowledge sharing via collaboration platform and virtual simulation of production line which offer intelligence in an "hyperconnected way".
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 Distributed real-time SlowDoS attacks detection over encrypted traffic using Artificial Intelligence Result title Distributed real-time SlowDoS attacks detection over encrypted traffic using Artificial Intelligence
 5G security new breed of enablers Result description This deliverable will report on advanced toolstechniques eg AI based investigate andor developed to add additional intelligence and confidence to 5G Security It will stress results and how results contribute
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 Embedded Intelligence and local analytics (final) Result title Embedded Intelligence and local analytics (final)
 Embedded Intelligence and local analytics (first draft) Result description This deliverable will focus on the building blocks required for introducing embedded intelligence to IIoT/IoT things and especially to local analytics mechanisms, so as to enable semi-autonomic local reaction
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 Cost Benefits of Multi-cloud Deployment of Dynamic Computational Intelligence Applications Result title Cost Benefits of Multi-cloud Deployment of Dynamic Computational Intelligence Applications Result description Intelligence and Network Applications - Proceedings of the Workshops of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2019)Journal number: 927Journal publisher
 Data Center Clustering for Geographically Distributed Cloud Deployments Result description Intelligence and Network Applications - Proceedings of the Workshops of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2019)Journal number: 927Journal publisher
 A Context-Aware Service for Authorizing Multi-cloud Deployments Result description Intelligence and Network Applications - Proceedings of the Workshops of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2019)Journal number: 927Journal publisher
 Towards Realistic Simulations of Arbitrary Cross-Cloud Workloads Result description Intelligence and Network Applications - Proceedings of the Workshops of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2019)Journal number: 927Journal publisher
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 A Multirobots Teleoperated Platform for Artificial Intelligence Training Data Collection in Minimally Invasive Surgery Result title A Multirobots Teleoperated Platform for Artificial Intelligence Training Data Collection in Minimally Invasive Surgery
 D2.2 Advanced phantom models Result description This report will describe the artificial phantom models with integrated pulsatile blood flow and respiratory motion The advanced phantom models will be used to evaluate the SOLOSURGERY platform