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 Latent Space Exploration Using Generative Kernel PCA Result description SuykensJournal title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - 31st Benelux AI Conference, BNAIC 2019, and 28th Belgian-Dutch Machine Learning Conference, BENELEARN 2019, Brussels, Belgium, November
 Towards Deterministic Diverse Subset Sampling Result description SuykensJournal title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - 31st Benelux AI Conference, BNAIC 2019, and 28th Belgian-Dutch Machine Learning Conference, BENELEARN 2019, Brussels, Belgium, November
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Description We will combine three different approaches to study these two aspects: palaeography, computational intelligence, and 14C-dating.
 Artificial Intelligence Based Writer Identification Generates New Evidence for the Unknown Scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa) Result title Artificial Intelligence Based Writer Identification Generates New Evidence for the Unknown Scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)
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Description We require powerful and trustworthy computational tools based on machine intelligence to support experts and go beyond human performance to tackle the major challenges in clinical practice.
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MIRA (Next Generation Machine Intelligence for Medical Image Representation and Analysis) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MIRA (Next Generation Machine Intelligence for Medical Image Representation and Analysis)
 Risk of Bias in Chest Radiography Deep Learning Foundation Models Result description IntelligenceJournal number: 4Journal publisher: RSNAPublished year: 2023DOI identifier: 10.1148/ryai.230060ISSN: 2638-6100
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Description Today we also routinely interact with artificial agents: from Apple’s Siri to GPS navigation systems. In the near future, we will casually interact with robots.
 Adopting the intentional stance toward natural and artificial agents Result title Adopting the intentional stance toward natural and artificial agents
 Cultural values, but not nationality, predict social inclusion of robots Result description ., Wykowska, A.Journal title: International Conference on Social Robotics: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI),Journal number: 13086Journal publisher: SpringerPublished year: 2021Published