Projects overview

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Description CIRCULAR FOAM aims at the demonstration of a territorial cross-sectorial systemic solution for the circularity of high performance plastics from diverse applications on the example of rigid polyurethane
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CIRCULAR FOAM (Systemic expansion of territorial CIRCULAR Ecosystems for end-of-life FOAM) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CIRCULAR FOAM (Systemic expansion of territorial CIRCULAR Ecosystems for end-of-life FOAM) Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
 The state of the art of stakeholders in waste and recycling in regions Result description This deliverable will include a stakeholder map on the value chain of material flows in regions outcome of tasks 11 and the report part on the regional readiness for a systemic territorial circular solution Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM Result acronym CIRCULAR FOAM-1016538
 Stakeholder map and regional readiness for a systemic territorial circular solution Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
 Design of the systemic modelling and analysis framework Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
 Initial Communication and Dissemination Plan Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
 Prototype of improved metal panels / envelopes Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
 Prototype of improved insulation boards Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
 Prototype of improved refrigerators Result comments CIRCULAR FOAM
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Description The proof provided by Circularise allows monetization of the sustainability practices and creates an intrinsic motivation for circularity in our economy.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CirculariseSource (Certifying recycled material while keeping market prices and allowing mass adoption) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CirculariseSource (Certifying recycled material while keeping market prices and allowing mass adoption) Result description The CirculariseSource project certifies recycled material content, material quality characteristics and product passport data and provides a business model to companies that adjust their production or Result comments CirculariseSource Result acronym CirculariseSource-770612
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Description BIOCIRCULARCITIES aims at supporting the development of innovative and comprehensive regulatory frameworks and roadmaps aligned with circular bioeconomy principles, centred on ‘bio-based waste’ and based
 Regulatory Gaps and Opportunities analysis for a circular bio economy Result title Regulatory Gaps and Opportunities analysis for a circular bio economy Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BIOCIRCULARCITIES (Exploring the circular bioeconomy potential in cities. Proactive instruments for implementation by policy makers and stakeholders) Result description It must be accompanied by the adoption of a Circular Bioeconomy (CBE) approach for the sustainable exploitation of organic resources. Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 First version of website on-line Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES Result acronym BIOCIRCULARCITIES-927417
 Web application in practice: short guidance for the practitioner Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Report on the webinars Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Report documenting the definition of the decision tree background logic Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Recommendations from Advisory Board for replication Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Report on synergies Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Regulatory framework on circular economy and biowaste management Report Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Collection of newsletters Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Report documenting the definition of the Scope of circular bioeconomy for biowaste management in urban areas Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
 Set of proposed policy recommendations for the selected urban areas Result comments BIOCIRCULARCITIES
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Description As the circular economy is an ambition with a very wide and not precisely defined application area, CIRCULAR IMPACTS will start by defining the circular economy, identifying the most important application
 Circular Impact Website Result title Circular Impact Website Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Report on definitions of the circular economy and associated markets Result description The deliverable will be a report (about 10-15 pages) summarising existing circular economy definitions and providing a mapping of circular economy sectors and markets. Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of third steering group meeting Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS Result acronym CIRCULAR IMPACTS-326193
 Proceedings of third project meeting Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Search tool for impact assessments on the circular economy Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Data collection report on the impacts of biofuels and renewable energy (M16) Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Report on all case studies, including a final chapter summarizing the main results Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Summary report on the interplay of the European Semester and the circular economy Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Workshop paper for case study 3 Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Paper on final methodology for the case studies Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of the Commission Internal Training Workshop Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCULAR IMPACTS (Measuring the IMPACTS of the transition to the CIRCULAR economy) Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of second project meeting Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Synthesis Policy Brief Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of first steering group meetings Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of the Final Conference in Brussels Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of first project meeting Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Report on how to measure the macro-economic impacts of the circular economy Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Workshop paper for case study 1 Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Three Infographics Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of fourth project meeting Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Proceedings of second steering group meeting Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Workshop paper for case study 4 Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Workshop paper for case study 2 Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Draft Data Management Plan (M6) Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 List of relevant information sources for impact assessments on the circular economy Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Macro-economic and societal impacts of a mainstreaming the circular economy Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 The future of a circular economy – Two scenarios Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Task sheets for integration for the different case studies Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
 Final Data Managment Plan Result comments CIRCULAR IMPACTS
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Description n de Murcia (Spain) and replicable systemic solution throughout Europe for the territorial deployment of the circular economy.
 Environmental assessment, LCA and A2C circularity monitoring (Draft) Result description towards circularity Result comments Agro2Circular
 A2C requirements Result comments Agro2Circular Result acronym Agro2Circular-1005510
 Financing recommendations (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Project Management Guideline & Quality Plan Result comments Agro2Circular
 Evaluation framework and methodology Result comments Agro2Circular
 Socioeconomic and sociocultural analysis report (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Energy management Plan (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Dissemination and Communication Strategy Result comments Agro2Circular
 Policy Briefs (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 A2C Residues Management Plan (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Standardization landscape and applicable standards Result comments Agro2Circular
 A2C Residues Management Plan (Intermediate) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Public Engagement (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Toolkit of guidelines and training materials (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Contribution to standardization (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Data management plan (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
 Energy and Water Recommendations Result comments Agro2Circular
 Report on Dissemination and Communication (Draft) Result comments Agro2Circular
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Description CircularPSP brings together 7 procurers from 7 countries, representing 45 million citizens, to invest €5.64 million in R&D to tackle the common challenge of accelerating digital transition towards a Circular
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CircularPSP (CircularPSP – Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities through PCP) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CircularPSP (CircularPSP – Public Service Platforms for Circular, Innovative and Resilient Municipalities through PCP) Result description A more circular economy will help achieve climate neutrality by 2050, help meet 2030 SDG... Result comments CircularPSP
 Plan for dissemination and exploitation, communication activities (DECA) Result comments CircularPSP Result acronym CircularPSP-1042722
 Tender Assessment Scorecard Result comments CircularPSP
 Requirements Result comments CircularPSP
 Prior Information Notice Result comments CircularPSP
 Challenge Brief Result comments CircularPSP
 Report on standardisation and regulatory framework Result comments CircularPSP
 Data Management Plan (DMP) Result comments CircularPSP
 Tender Documents Result comments CircularPSP
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Description CircularInvest is a CCRI-PDA initiative proposed by 4 organisations (META, INOVA+, Circle Economy and ICLEI EURO) that aims provide project development assistance (PDA) to selected circular economy (CE
 CircularInvest website Result title CircularInvest website Result comments CircularInvest
 List of mapped synergies and networking opportunities Result description It will map initiatives relevant for CircularInvest to collaborate, starting with CCRI-PDA and focusing to those scouted through the Partners’ network. Result comments CircularInvest
 Call for EoI Result comments CircularInvest Result acronym CircularInvest-1167002
 Data Management Plan – first version Result comments CircularInvest
 Selection Procedures Guidelines Result comments CircularInvest
 First set of promotional and informative materials Result comments CircularInvest
 CETAF Operational Guidelines Result comments CircularInvest
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CircularInvest (Powering access to investment for next generation circular economy initiatives in cities and regions) Result comments CircularInvest
 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan– first version Result comments CircularInvest
 Project management plan Result comments CircularInvest
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Description Circular Agronomics (CA) provides a comprehensive synthesis of practical solutions to improve the current Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) cycling in European agro-ecosystems and related up-
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Circular Agronomics (CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS - Efficient Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling in the European Agri-food System and related up- and down-stream processes to mitigate emissions) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Circular Agronomics (CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS - Efficient Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus cycling in the European Agri-food System and related up- and down-stream processes Result description Circular Agronomics... Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Factors affecting farmers' adoption decision of innovative circular farming practices and solutions in EU. Result comments Circular Agronomics Result acronym Circular Agronomics-825398
 Compilation of EIP-Agri practice abstracts developed No2 Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Environmental policy analysis Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Hyperspectral imaging for high resolution mapping of soil profile organic carbon distribution in an Austrian Alpine landscape Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Targeted stakeholder literature Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (final) Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Classification of food waste and wastewater streams in food industry and their recycling potential for C, N and P Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Factors Influencing Adoption of Sustainable Farming Practices in Europe: A Systemic Review of Empirical Literature Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Data Management Plan Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Effects of mineral versus organic fertilizers on soil fertility and organic carbon stocks in agricultural topsoil and subsoil Result comments Circular Agronomics
  Circular Agronomics: producing high-quality organic fertilizers from digestates in an agro-industrial biogas plant Result comments Circular Agronomics
  Phythase Enchanced Phosphorus Recovery in Soybean Processing Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Closing nutrient & carbon loops – comparison on investigated innovations between CIRCULAR AGRONOMICS and NUTRI2CYCLE projects Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Solar drying as a nature-based approach for nutrients recovery from digested animal manures Result comments Circular Agronomics
  Towards more efficient carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in European agricultural soils: Circular Agronomics (CA) program Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Baseline assessment of core soil physical and chemical properties finished (bulk density, texture) Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (preliminary) Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Completion of Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (intermediate) Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Website and twitter account set up (final version). Project brochure Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Methodologies adapted for the environmental assessments for agro-ecosystems and of the food value chain Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Compilation of EIP-Agri practice abstracts developed No1 Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Barriers to acceptance for the adoption of new farming practices Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Application of organic fertilizers alter the physical and biogeochemical properties of agricultural topsoil and subsoil Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Acidification and solar drying of manure-based digestate to produce improved fertilizing products Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Effects by international trade in relation to EU agriculture Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Design and performance of Microfiltered Digestate to Fertigation (MDF) Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Effectiveness of precision feeding in reducing N excretion in dairy cattle Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Environmental Assessment of Austrian Organic Dairy Farms With Closed Regional Production Cycles in a Less Favorable Production Area Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Environmental profile of agro-ecosystems and of the food value chain Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Design and performance of integrated organic carbon recovery in whey management Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Assessment of novel amendments compared with business-as-usual on elemental soil cycles Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Compilation of EIP-Agri practice abstracts developed No3 Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Exploitation Brochure Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Definition of best fertilization practices related to site, land-use / land-management, and climate Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Policy note Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Crop diversification and digestate application effect on the productivity andefficiency of irrigated winter crop systems Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Protocols for the collection of technical and economic data, technical and economic efficiency of the pilot farms (ex-ante) Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Sustainable livestock farming strategies in animal housing and feeding Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Comparison of policy instruments to reduce the environmental impact of food production and their effectiveness in terms of consumer acceptance Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Design and performance of vacuum degasification for agricultural residues and food-waste treatment for nitrogen depletion /recovery Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Design and performance of soya bean wastewater treatment with integrated struvite recovery Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Abschlussbericht Reine Lungau B³ Result comments Circular Agronomics
 Nitrous oxide emissions after struvite application in relation to soil P status Result comments Circular Agronomics
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Description BUS-GoCircular will achieve this objective by developing and implementing a circular construction skills qualification framework with a focus on multifunctional green roofs, façades and interior elements
 BUS-GoCircular training packs report Result title BUS-GoCircular training packs report Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Project Website Result description The BUSGoCircular website Language EN Result comments BUS-GoCircular Result acronym BUS-GoCircular-952480
 Applied Circular construction skills qualification framework Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Znanstvenoistraživački i razvojni projekti 2018. – 2022. Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Kako trošiti manje energije i živjeti udobnije? Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 "Content and methodology proposal ""BUS-GoCircular Fundamentals Training Packs""" Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Mentoring Programme Guidance and Mentoring Program Plan Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 EPD, kako saznati utjecaj građevnog proizvoda na okoliš i klimu Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Circular construction skills qualification framework Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Report assessing available training materials Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Framework for Circular Economy interventions in the construction value chain Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Validated Circular construction skills qualification framework Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Izjava o utjecaju na okoliš–EPD(Environmental product declaration-EPD) Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Social media and channels set up Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Corporate Identity Manual Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BUS-GoCircular (Stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills with circularity as a driver and multifunctional green use of roofs, façades and interior elements as focus.) Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Mapping of required skills and skill-gaps Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Godišnjak 2021 Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Programme and materials for training of trainers Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 The role of building materials in reducing CO2 emissions in buildings Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Znanstvenoistraživački i razvojni projekti 2018. – 2022. Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Bus-GoCircular Kako bismo implementirali kružno gospodarstvo u građevinsku industriju, moramo premostiti sve veće nedostatke u vještinama Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 EU PROJEKT BUS GOCIRCULAR Kako smanjiti utjecaj toplinskih otoka? Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Final Executive Publishable Report Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Report on existing skill recognition methods to include circularity. Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 e-Newsletters Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Mentoring program summary report Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Evaluation of national implementation actions - summary report - Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Mentoring Programme Guidance and Mentoring Program Plan Result comments BUS-GoCircular
 Inspiring action plan incl. training materials for municipalities and governments Result comments BUS-GoCircular
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Description CIRCULAR FoodPack aims to facilitate the circular use of plastic packaging addressing the most sensitive product category: Food packaging.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CIRCULAR FoodPack (Circular Packaging for Direct Food Contact Applications) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CIRCULAR FoodPack (Circular Packaging for Direct Food Contact Applications) Result description CIRCULAR FoodPack aims to facilitate the circular use of plastic packaging addressing the most sensitive product category: Food packaging. Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Defined scenarios and data inventories for preliminary sustainability assessment Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack Result acronym CIRCULAR FoodPack-925961
 Communication Package (website, corporate design, logo, leaflet, rollup) Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Report on TBS sorting efficiency and sorting trials Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Data Management Plan Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Understanding the complexity of deinking plastic waste: An assessment of the efficiency of different treatments to remove ink resins from printed plastic film Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Tracing the origin of VOCs in post-consumer plastic film bales Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Delivery of test model samples to Task T4.5 for migration tests, and characterisation results Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Operational Framework to Quantify “Quality of Recycling” across Different Material Types Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 High Quantum Yield Shortwave Infrared Luminescent Tracers for Improved Sorting of Plastic Waste Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Absolute quantum yield of short-wave infrared luminescence of GdVO4:Yb3+, Er3+, Zn2+ nano- and microparticles Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Application of chemometric tools in the QSAR development of VOC removal in plastic waste recycling Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Evaluation of barrier concepts Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Database of studied waste fractions, their analytical results and process cascades they were subjected to Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Analysis and reporting of current multi-layer food packaging in the waste streams in Europe Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Regranulates delivery with technical data sheets (TDS) to partners for further processing Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Sorting plastics waste for a circular economy: Perspectives for lanthanide luminescent markers Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Verfahren zur Entfernung anhaftender oder immigrierter, olfaktorischer Stoffe bei thermoplastischen Kunststoffpartikeln und Aufbereitungsvorrichtung dafür Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
 Waste Study on Flexible Food and Non-Food Packaging: Detailed Analysis of the Plastic Composition of European Polyethylene-Containing Waste Streams Result comments CIRCULAR FoodPack
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Description CIRCULAR FLOORING aims to enable circular use of plasticized PVC (PVC-P) from waste flooring by developing recycling processes that eliminate plasticizers including hazardous phthalic acid esters (e.g.
 A step towards circular flooring Result title A step towards circular flooring Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCULAR FLOORING (New products from waste PVC flooring and safe end-of-life treatment of plasticisers) Result description CIRCULAR FLOORING aims to enable a circular use of plasticized PVC from post-consumer flooring by developing recycling processes that eliminate legacy plasticizers such as DEHP. Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Data Management Plan Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING Result acronym CIRCULAR FLOORING-664358
 Communication Package Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Catalytic upcycling of PVC waste-derived phthalate esters into safe, hydrogenated plasticizers Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Overview on the collection and pre-treatment status throughout Europe Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Legacy additives in a circular economy of plastics: Current dilemma, policy analysis, and emerging countermeasures Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Website online Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Rate equation for up scaled hydrogenation Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Legacy additives in a circular economy of plastics: Current dilemma, policy analysis, and emerging countermeasures Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Social media activities report Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
 Supply of PVC flooring waste as input Result comments CIRCULAR FLOORING
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Description The fundamental objective of the CIRCULAR BIOCARBON project is to open up new business frameworks based on a new circular vision of waste treatment in a city towards a sustainable bioeconomy, to which
 Circular integration of regional water and waste services: BBI CIRCULAR BIOCARBON flagship Result title Circular integration of regional water and waste services: BBI CIRCULAR BIOCARBON flagship Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Project website and promotional video Result description The deliverable is the dedicated website for the Circular BioCarbon project created by ICLEI which contains information about the consortium the project news articles Newsletter how to contact us etc This Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Turning urban waste streams into added-value products for cities Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON Result acronym CIRCULAR BIOCARBON-825754
 Communication and dissemination Strategy Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Report on the definition of technical requirements, barriers and solutions Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Report on the integrated questionnaire Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 CIRCULAR BIOCARBON: Turning carbon of complex organic urban waste streams into value-added products Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 CIRCULAR BIOCARBON: Turning carbon of complex organic urban waste streams into value-added products Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Communication and dissemination Strategy - Update 1 Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 CIRCULAR BIOCARBON: convirtiendo las corrientes de residuos orgánicos urbanos enproductos de alto valor añadido Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 CIRCULAR BIOCARBON sienta las bases para avanzar en el marco de la bioeconomía sostenible Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CIRCULAR BIOCARBON (Turning carbon of complex organic urban waste streams into value-added products) Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Scale-up of a new flexible process for phosphorus and PHA recovery from sewage sludge and organic wastes treatment Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Communication and dissemination Strategy - Update 2 Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Webinars (1) Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
 Legal framework of the MSW and SS-based biorefineries in Europe: law of application to materials and processes and future trends in Europe Result comments CIRCULAR BIOCARBON
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Description Circular TwAIn will lower the barriers for all the stakeholders in manufacturing and process industry circular value chains to adopt and fully leverage of trusted AI technologies, in ways that will enable
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Circular TwAIn (AI Platform for Integrated Sustainable and Circular Manufacturing) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Circular TwAIn (AI Platform for Integrated Sustainable and Circular Manufacturing) Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Liaison with AI4MAN Ecosystem, Didactic Factories Network, Legal and Ethical issues - 1st version Result description Description of AI TEF for Circularity (H4C) network, relevant Regulatory Sandboxes and skills development actions. Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Ethical Analysis, Governance and Guidelines - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn Result acronym Circular TwAIn-971811
 Conceptual Framework and Reference Architecture - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Brand Management Materials and Web Portal - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Requirements Engineering Methodology - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Circular TwAIn Data4AI Platform and AI Toolkit - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 A Performance Evaluation of OWL 2 DL Reasoners using ORE 2015 and Very Large Bio Ontologies Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Open-Source Implementations of the Reactive Asset Administration Shell: A Survey Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Information (Switzerland) Result comments Circular TwAIn
 AI-enhanced Digital Twins Implementations for Products Production and Personae - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Ethical Analysis, Governance and Guidelines - 2nd version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Data Space and Digital TwAIns Design - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Digital Transformation pathways assessment and benchmarking - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Innovation and Collaboration Marketplace - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Methodology and Tools for Industrial Pilots coordination - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Data Space Implementations for Materials/Products and Process/Production - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 SMART standards and Exploitation Plan - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 System Integration and Validation Report - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Data Integration and Validation Report - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Data Space and AI Toolkit Reference Implementations - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Report on Dissemination and Communication - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
 Circular TwAIn Industrial Data Platform, Standards Ontologies - 1st version Result comments Circular TwAIn
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Description CIRCULAR X addresses a new and urgent issue in sustainability research: experimentation with circular service business models (CSBMs).
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCULAR X (Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCULAR X (Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models) Result comments CIRCULAR X
 The Circular Experimentation Workbench – a Lean and Effectual Process Result description ., Coffay, M.Journal title: Circular Economy & SustainabilityJournal publisher: Springer NaturePublished year: 2022ISSN: 2730-5988 Result comments CIRCULAR X
 How can businesses drive sufficiency? The business for sufficiency framework Result comments CIRCULAR X Result acronym CIRCULAR X-779615
 Experimentation capability for a circular economy: a practical guide Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Unsustainable Business Models – Recognising and resolving institutionalised social and environmental harm. Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Impacts of Consumption and the Role of Business Result comments CIRCULAR X
 The Sufficiency-Based Circular Economy—An Analysis of 150 Companies Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Circular Business Models -mapping experimentation in multinational firms Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Circular business model innovation in consumer-facing corporations Result comments CIRCULAR X
 A call for action: The impact of business model innocation on business ecosystems, society and planet. Result comments CIRCULAR X
 How do companies measure and forecast environmental impacts when experimenting with circular business models? Result comments CIRCULAR X
  Tracking Environmental Impacts while Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models. Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Circular digital built environment: An emerging framework Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Prototyping, experimentation, and piloting in the business model contextGeissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N, & Hultink, E. J. (2022). ., 102, 564-575 (open access). Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Business Model Experimentation for the Circular Economy: Definition and Approaches Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Circularity as the new normal. Future fitting Swiss business strategies. Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Designing Your Circular Business Model. Result comments CIRCULAR X
 The Emerging Research Field of Experimentation for Circular Business Model Innovation Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Locality Matters-Understanding The Emergence of Circular Service Business Models across Different Countries. Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Business action for sufficiency – towards viable business strategies Result comments CIRCULAR X
 Circular business models for the fastmoving consumer goods industry: Desirability, feasibility, and viability Result comments CIRCULAR X
 How do companies launch circular service business models in different countries? Result comments CIRCULAR X
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Description Finally, CIRCULAR VISION will show the causal link between circular DNA and cancer, by producing disease models with oncogenes on circular DNA.
 Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCULAR VISION (Circular DNA in diagnosis and disease models) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CIRCULAR VISION (Circular DNA in diagnosis and disease models) Result description Circular DNA is emerging as a novel biomarker for many types of cancer and inflammatory disorders. Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Discovery and Proof-of-Concept Study of Nuclease Activity as a Novel Biomarker for Breast Cancer Tumors Result comments CIRCULAR VISION Result acronym CIRCULAR VISION-767980
 Targeted removal of mitochondrial DNA from mouse and humanextrachromosomal circular DNA with CRISPR-Cas9 Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Variation of extrachromosomal circular DNA in cancer cell lines Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Dissemination material Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Role of Furin in Colon Cancer Stem Cells Malignant Phenotype and Expression of LGR5 and NANOG in KRAS and BRAF-Mutated Colon Tumors Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with DNASE1L3·Deficiency Have a Distinctive and Specific Genic Circular DNA Profile in Plasma Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 DNA circles promote yeast ageing in part through stimulating the reorganization of nuclear pore complexes Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Detailed communication, dissemination plan - 2nd update Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Epigenetics in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Malignant Melanoma Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Dissemination material first update Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Circular and Circulating DNA in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: From Pathogenesis to Potential Molecular Therapies Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Enhancing CRISPR-Cas9 gRNA efficiency prediction by data integration and deep learning Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Endothelial cell heterogeneity and microglia regulons revealed by a pig cell landscape at single-cell level Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 FOntCell: Fusion of Ontologies of Cells Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Detailed communication, dissemination plan Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Genome Scale Modeling to Study the Metabolic Competition between Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Skeletal Muscles of Sedentary and Physically Active Aged People Have Distinctive Genic Extrachromosomal Circular DNA Profiles Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Circular DNA in the human germline and its association with recombination Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 DNA circles promote yeast ageing in part through stimulating the reorganization of nuclear pore complexes Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Circle-Seq reveals genomic and disease-specific hallmarksin urinary cell-free extrachromosomal circular DNAs Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 An Integrative Omics Approach Reveals Involvement of BRCA1 in Hepatic Metastatic Progression of Colorectal Cancer Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Extrachromosomal circular DNA in cancer: history, current knowledge, and methods Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Public website and project logo Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Detailed communication, dissemination plan – 1st update Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Methods for the purification and detection of single nucleotide KRAS mutations on extrachromosomal circular DNA in human plasma Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 CRISPR/Cas9 gRNA activity depends on free energy changes and on the target PAM context Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 GeromiRs Are Downregulated in the Tumor Microenvironment during Colon Cancer Colonization of the Liver in a Murine Metastasis Model Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Proprotein convertases blockage up-regulates specifically metallothioneins coding genes in human colon cancer stem cells Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 A unifying model for extrachromosomal circular DNA load in eukaryotic cells Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 CReSIL: accurate identification of extrachromosomal circular DNA from long-read sequences Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Consistent DNA Hypomethylations in Prostate Cancer Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 A distinct circular DNA profile intersects with proteome changes in the genotoxic stress-related hSOD1G93A model of ALS Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Extrachromosomal Circular DNA: An Emerging Potential Biomarker for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases? Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 Cell-Free Genic Extrachromosomal Circular DNA Profiles of DNase Knockouts Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Relation with Common Fragile Sites Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
 P096 Human extrachromosomal circular DNA is an emerging biomarker in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Result comments CIRCULAR VISION
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Description These limitations can be overcome with REcircularPAV, a training-through-research project aiming at engineering cost-effective circular asphalt mixtures for road pavement in a fossil fuel-free society,
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REcircularPAV (ReEngineering asphalt mixture for circular road PAVements) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - REcircularPAV (ReEngineering asphalt mixture for circular road PAVements) Result description a circular one "based on sharing, leasing, reuse, repair, refurbishment... Result comments REcircularPAV Result acronym REcircularPAV-949612
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Description information and communication devices by developing new product design approaches (including enhanced end-of-life performance, re-use and re-manufacturing aspects; i.e. implementing “Design for a Circular
Comments level of circularity in these industries in particular.
 New Business Models for Circular Economy Result title New Business Models for Circular Economy
 The Sustainability Connection for Mobile Electronics Result description Santacreu, Circular Devices, FI N. Nissen, K. Schischke, Fraunhofer IZM, DE K.
 Specific Objective 2: Circular products & Climate-neutral manufacturing Comments level of circularity in these industries in particular.
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Description When taking into account the circularity of the process (taking back the initial product and refurbishing into a second product) the market potential is almost doubled to 176 million €.
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Description To shift towards circular economy a systematic transformation is required, involving all actors in the value chain and encompassing the entire lifecycle of plastic materials.
 Consumer campaigns on circular consumption models Result title Consumer campaigns on circular consumption models Result description D9.1: Consumer campaigns on circular consumption models, M24; EEB. Deliverable D9.1. is outcome of Task 9.1.
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Description To date, no studies have shed light on how such relations should be reconfigured to achieve circularity.
 Understanding the EU's circular economy policies through futures of circularity Result title Understanding the EU's circular economy policies through futures of circularity
 The report ‘Framing Circular Economy in the context of Global Environmental Justice Movement' Result description A second outcome of task 12 will be the report Framing Circular Economy in the context of Global Environmental Justice Movement that will reframe the idea of Circularity within the conceptual boundaries
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Description C-SERVEES aims to boost a resource-efficient circular economy in the electrical and electronic (E&E) sector through the development, testing, validation and transfer of new circular economic business models
 Guidelines for circular economic models in the E&E sector Result title Guidelines for circular economic models in the E&E sector Result description Guidelines for circular economic models in the E&E sector. Responsible: WEEE FORUM. M14 Linked to Task 1.3.
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Description Given its resource intensity, the European Commission has identified the textiles sector as a priority for the Circular Economy.
 Vision and roadmap towards a circular fashion system Result title Vision and roadmap towards a circular fashion system
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SCIRT (System Circularity and Innovative Recycling of Textiles) Result description Given its resource intensity, the EC has identified textiles as a ‘priority product category for the circular economy’.
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Description The overall goal of ReCiPSS is to explore success factors for circular manufacturing systems in two cases where OEMs have different levels control over their value chains: one case with full control, and
 Development of the Circular Product Readiness Method in Circular Design Result title Development of the Circular Product Readiness Method in Circular Design
 Demonstrator baseline and market characteristics report Result description business models that can support the transition to circular systems in the white goods demonstrator or improve further an existing circular system in the automotive parts demonstrator
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Description The main pathways to achieve circularity will include: i) repairing, repurposing and redesigning parts from end-of-life large scale products and ii) recycling and reclamation of the materials used in such
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EuReComp (European recycling and circularity in large composite components) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EuReComp (European recycling and circularity in large composite components) Result description The main pathways to achieve circularity include: i) repairing, repurposing and redesigning parts from...
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Description through fibre to fibre recycling and design for circularity.
 Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CISUTAC (Circular & Sustainable Textiles & Clothing) Result title Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CISUTAC (Circular & Sustainable Textiles & Clothing)
 Scenarios for transition to a circular T&C based on (digital) infrastructure needs and material flow analysis, including an open access software with guidelines for post-consumer textile waste channelling Result description Transition scenarios for circular textile flows will be detailed.
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Description DigiPrime has the mission to develop a new concept of Circular Economy digital platform overcoming current information asymmetry among value-chain stakeholders, in order to unlock new circular business
 Circular innovation hubs integration Result title Circular innovation hubs integration
 """Circular Innovation Hubs integration"" pilot demonstration" Result description "This Deliverable will report the work of Task 6.6 and it will contain the results of ""Circular Innovation Hubs integration"" pilot."
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Description Europe is still lacking an efficient systemic multi-level approach that enables a recursive, cost-effective, holistic and integrated application of circular principles to the digital uplifting of factory
Comments   R&I Objective 2.2: De-manufacturing, re-manufacturing and recycling technologies for circular economy MIE Consultation 2020 (Closed) Specific Objective 2: Circular products & Climate-neutral
 Life Cycle Assessment of a Circularity Case Study Using Additive Manufacturing Result title Life Cycle Assessment of a Circularity Case Study Using Additive Manufacturing
 Periodic Reporting for period 3 - LEVEL-UP (Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful Life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment) Result description The ‘take-make-dispose’ consumption model is affecting production assets, reason for which industry is promoting the transition to circular economy (CE).
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Description re-industrialization of Europe, by focusing on the role of Research and Innovation within the framework of other dimensions – Economy, Society, Environment, Globalization, geopolitics– and incoming paradigms such as Circular
 Framework for EU investment and expansion in circular economy Result title Framework for EU investment and expansion in circular economy
 FUTURING Baseline Vision Result description Definition of what is meant by Industry 2030 in the context of the reindustrialization of Europe and the circular economy.
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Description Each PDA will contain detailed implementation assistance and a defined Circular Business Model tailored to each participating lighthouse city, as well as financing mechanisms to be used for mobilising
 Circular Investors Board handbook Result title Circular Investors Board handbook Result description Handbook of the Circular Investors Board
 HOOP D5.1 Circular Investors Board handbook Result title Circular Investors Board handbook